Improve handling Automation Lane parameters that are off

Hopefully this will make sense.
I am a little confused because in some of my tests this worked and some tests it did not.

In Ardour you can create Automation Lanes within specific tracks.
User has the choice to set them to “off” and not draw in Automation.
However if you do this, Ardour does not appear to view these Automation Lane parameters as “Automation”. So if you want to hide them, they disappear and you have to find each parameter again.

If you create a MIDI track that contains any instrument plugin.
If you go into the Automation buttons context menu and add some parameters from the “Controls” category which are MIDI CC parameters.
If you set them each to “off” (contain no drawn automation in Automation Lanes)
If you use “hide all automation” from the automation context menu because you do not want them visible at the moment. These parameter all get hidden.
However, if you then want to access them again and try using “show existing automation” from the context menu, none of these Automation Lane parameters show up because they are not being viewed as automation.
You now have to find each one of those “Control” parameters one at a time to view them again.

I am suggesting maybe can show these non automation based parameters with this “show existing automation” setting. Or maybe can add two new context menu items, one to show existing parameters and one to hide them?
Hopefully what I am saying makes sense.

Not sure how common / often something like this gets used?
If others agree then maybe could also create a show/hide keyboard shortcut like the one available for automation lanes that contain drawn automation.

Probably not going to be added but I also made a post about a mouse action

Maybe could use middle or right mouse button for this as well, which ever one not used in the other request. Again might be too complicated but just an idea.

None of this will probably add up to anything anyways, but just thought I would point this out if anyone is interested.
Thank you to anyone who reads this

Ahh good use of time.
I just found out that the following was not possible

so doubtful that this will be addressed.

Not that this matters but just to clarify
Because these are not “automations” this would have to be almost like “pinning” these parameters to the automation lane tracks, because there would be nothing to make these parameters shown to come back, nothing to distinguish them from other parameters not being used.
Another issue that my request could possibly solve is that if a user decides to open up one of these parameters and change its value but does not draw an automation, once hidden, there is no visual indication that a parameter has been changed, user would have to remember that they did this for any tracks that they used this on.
I guess could draw a little automation that does no alter the parameter for each but does not really seem that efficient to have to do.