Add mouse shortcut to toggle show-hide automation

I don’t think something like this will be considered but I was wondering if anyone would find the following useful.
Maybe can add a simple mouse based shortcut to toggle show/hide automation.
Maybe right mouse button or middle mouse button click on “A” (automation) track button.

Again I do not think it would be added but just an idea. I saw that there is a hotkey available so at least there is that but just thought mouse toggle would be quicker.

Thank You

I’d like that, I’d also like a keyboard shortcut for it (if there isn’t one already, I haven’t checked).

Excellent idea! Just toggle the currently selected automations.

Hey guys, wow this could be my most successful post to date.
Thank you both for agreeing, based on past posts of mine I didn’t think anyone would.
Do not think this will be added, but still nice to be agreed with.
Thanks again

I mentioned in my original post, there is a hotkey but it is not set by default.
It is called “Toggle All Existing Automation” if you or anyone else is interested.
Not as efficient but could be helpful if this is request is not added.
Hope this helps someone

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