Ardour 7.0 has been released

Noice. Congrats for the release. Will download ASAP. :slight_smile:

Wow, great work. Is this version also in german available? I compiled it and “./waf i18n_mo” at this version is not working.

Nice work to all involved! Its such a beast of a release. :japanese_ogre:

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That’s fantastic news! Thanks to the entire team for the continued hard work on Ardour. @paul I hope you don’t mind that I bring up the following suggestion again now that Ardour 7 is released: On Ardour's home page, add Broadcast and Podcast Producers

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Great! Big thanks!!! Congrats for the release!!!

8 posts were split to a new topic: Ardour 7 German Translation (solved)


This is awesome news!
I got all I need from previous version 6.9, but cant wait too play around with it and find some more tools I can make usable for my workflow! :heart_eyes:


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Greatly disappointed.

  • Doesn’t work at all on Jack (crashes Jack upon starting an empty project)
  • Slaving Ardour tempo to external MIDI clock still isn’t working
    • When connecting the MIDI source of the audio device to the Ardour Clock In destination, the program crashes

I use Ardour with JACK all day every day, so “doesn’t work at all on JACK” is not accurate, nor useful. If you’d like us to investigate, please read

I did check MIDI clock slaving several months ago, but it has been a while since then. I can check it again, but it will take me a while to get setup - very few of my MIDI devices generate MIDI clock.


As I chose to switch from the subscription model, to a one-time $45 payment, I no longer have access to debuggable versions of Ardour, and are not able contribute bug reports on the latest build. I I’m still in possession of Ardour-7.0.pre0.2610, and can contribute bug reports based off this build.

$45 should give you access to debug builds from Please let me know if that is not the case.

Seems like all versions other than GNU/Linux x86_64 specifically are available. But that’s the one I need. I sent an email to

I am help@ardourorg :slight_smile:

The linux x86_64 build will likely be back tomorrow. The disk on the build system filled up last night (thanks, PulseAudio log messages … 190GB thereof!)


Congratulations on the release of Ardour 7.

I note that the implementation of the Cue functionality is different from Mixbus 32C in some ways: there’s 16 rows instead of 8, and it’s a separate window.

I’m also intrigued by “I/O Plugins”. I don’t see anywhere on the GUI for these, but I’m assuming this is academic at this point anyway. Would these be to support what I would call “embedded hardware plugins” like the ones built into devices like the UAD Apollo audio interfaces?

Obviously, such a thing would require software/driver support.



  1. The only difference with the Mixbus 8 cue functionality is the number of slots.

  2. I/O plugins really have nothing to do with embedded hardware plugins. They are normal plugins like the ones you would place in/on a track or bus, but they run outside of the context of tracks and busses. This gives them certain possibilities that are not possible with plugins running in a track or a bus.

That’s very odd. I’ve just launched another old project and found the Cue is inline, as I was expecting. But I have a project where it always opens a new window.



That’d be Menu > Window > I/O Plugins.

The main motivation is to provide additional I/O. Notably network streams via NDI. Since the feature was made for an Ardour derivative: Mixbus VBM - Harrison Audio Consoles I would no call it academic. However integration in Ardour is not yet completely fleshed out, but some of work has already been done for 7.1.

I/O Plugins can serve as alternative to external applications that one would otherwise be connected as JACK application. Another application would be to use them as input pre-processor.

More info can be found in the Ardour Manual.

In that case I have completely misunderstood what these are. Thanks for the info.

NDI looks interesting. I may need to follow up on that.

I’m still confused why this one project opens the Cue screen in a new window.



All four of the “tab” (Rec, Edit, Cue, Mix) can either be attached to a single window or detached, according to the user’s wishes. Right click on the relevant button to attach/detach it. You must have (accidentally, I assume) detached it at some point.

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Thanks for Ardour 7.0.

The STEM export for MIDI files is a real big help and relief. The CUE function takes a little getting used to, but it’s really, really great. This is worth a donation to me. Thank you Paul…

It has already been mentioned here that the time display does not work with a sample rate of 96 khz in new projects. It doesn’t work for me either. But, in the next update it will work.

Paul . . Many Thanks.