Unable to load a Project


Big fan of your work.
Now I have one specific project that crashes while loading the editor.
Maybe something similar to this:

And I have just one Snapshot. I hope the project is not lost?

running current Ardour 8.7.0 on Fedora Linux 40

thanks in advance

Can you upload the .ardour session file somewhere (e.g. dropbox, weshare, onedrive, …) so we can have a look?

Hey, shure. Here is a Link: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

I see. The session has a rather complex tempo-map with meter changing to 7/4 8/4 and back, and various tempo-changes. That is known to cause some occasional trouble, still.

I can get the session to load by removing a Tempo changes at bar 126 (during the outro). Fixed file: https://robin.linuxaudio.org/tmp/HomeAgainV4.ardour

If the session still does not load, it may be due to one of the midi files. In that case please zip up the whole thing: Ardour- Menu > Session > Archive

The actual change made:

--- a/HomeAgainV4.ardour	2024-09-15 14:10:56.283812953 +0200
+++ b/HomeAgainV4.ardour	2024-09-15 14:12:55.278105803 +0200
@@ -16222,7 +16222,6 @@
       <Tempo npm="178.99999922837537" enpm="178.99999922837537" note-type="4" type="Constant" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" sclock="0" quarters="0:0" bbt="1|1|0" omega="0"/>
       <Tempo npm="178.99999922837537" enpm="194.89999929218928" note-type="4" type="Ramped" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" sclock="39639740953" quarters="419:0" bbt="75|1|0" omega="4.4710344634685271e-11"/>
       <Tempo npm="194.89999929218928" enpm="194.89999929218928" note-type="4" type="Constant" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" sclock="41543121525" quarters="440:0" bbt="78|1|0" omega="0"/>
-      <Tempo npm="194.89999929218928" enpm="183.99999921768708" note-type="4" type="Ramped" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" sclock="71171805060" quarters="781:0" bbt="126|1|0" omega="-inf"/>
       <Tempo npm="193.99999922099394" enpm="183.99999921768708" note-type="4" type="Ramped" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" sclock="71171805060" quarters="781:0" bbt="126|1|0" omega="-7.3814247945800436e-11"/>
       <Tempo npm="183.99999921768708" enpm="183.99999921768708" note-type="4" type="Constant" locked-to-meter="0" continuing="0" active="1" sclock="71797048782" quarters="788:0" bbt="127|1|0" omega="0"/>

Yes, that was it. Thanks.
I get weird behaviour with tempo and meter changes sometimes, but not that fatal.
I assume the omega="-inf"/> is the problem?
I will have a look on that.

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