Ubuntu user seeks help building this software - accepting any he can get

Okay, I have downloaded all of the tarballs I saw were necessary to build this software (I think) and am have a helluva time building this puppy. Where do I start? I Downloaded Python, which I didn’t need, after searching around for ages to find the command prompt (which is called the Terminal in Ubuntu if you were wondering) and was able to build Scons.

Next steps? I have no idea! I need to build a bunch of other things, including libraries and such, and really have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve been at this for a few hours now (which I KNOW to be a wrong thing, since it shouldn’t be this hard) and would welcome any advice that you can give me on this topic. I am a newbie to Linux, and I suppose I shouldn’t have chosen something so involved as my first build in the system, but hey, at least I’ll know how to do it for everything else I have to do!

Thanks to any and all who read this and are able to give me some pointers.

Hello, I can give you the list of development (library) packages I had to make sure were installed when I started building Ardour on my Ubuntu system, hopefully it’s a good start to get you rolling with minimal hassle. Note that this list was back for Dapper I think, some names may be changed slightly for version skew:

libcurl3-openssl-dev libgdbm-dev
liblrdf0-dev libsigc++2.0-dev libasound2-dev
scons libjack0.100.0-dev ladspa-sdk libsamplerate0-dev
libglib2.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev
fftw3-dev raptor-utils libncurses5-dev

after the packages are ready, you can probably proceed with the following commands:

sudo scons --implicit-deps-unchanged PREFIX=/usr/local FFT_ANALYSIS=1 LIBLO=0 TRANZPORT=0 DEBUG=0 install

my personal process is a little different than what I listed, but I think that should get you installed…

best of luck.

For someone new to Linux I would recommend a binary package above building from source. You can find one here: http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=ardour

This thread has my step by step for (k)ubuntu:


It includes VST support.
