Timestretching / -compressing samples - with speed ramp

I have certain samples that I want to get exactly into the timing of a song - e.g. the ticking of a clock. I was told that you can do this quite comfortably in Ableton, for example. How do I go about it in Ardor? And let’s assume that I want to bring the ticking of the clock from 117 to 122 BPM in two cycles with a speed ramp. Is that possible? And if so, how? In Ableton, this would be very convenient, according to a friend. But I don’t use it, because I have my Ardor :slight_smile:

Assuming these are MIDI regions firing samples in a plugin, can you modify the global tempo? If so then it is easy. If you are looking at modifying just the tempo of a particular region but not changing global tempo, then it is tougher.


I think I’m talking about these or similar functions:

From the Nuendo description:

“Activate the Find zero crossings button on the toolbar.
When this switch is activated, warp markers snap to zero crossings.”

Okay, I think I have my answer:


Ahh so you are talking about stretching audio recordings to fit a tempo? Yea that isn’t as easy in Ardour, though I believe I heard about some work ongoing to look into this a bit back. You can kind of do it with timestretch mode, but not really, would need to split the region and stretch the pieces, and it wouldn’t do a clean ramp.

For the record though, a bit unrelated but since you mentioned it, I wouldn’t worry about zero crossings in Ardour the same way you might in other software. Ardour utilizes tiny crossfades on region boundaries so that you don’t get the clicks you can from some other software if you edit off the zero crossing.


I have lua script that will stretch audio loops to whatever BPM you have to project to, please let me know if you need help on how to use it or have questions:

Pretty sure that the goal is dynamic stretching, not stretching to a (new) fixed tempo …

I solved the problem in a different way: I sampled the clock ticking with Kontakt and then simply let it play via midi events at the right tempo.

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Which is probably how I would suggest fixing it in Ardour at this time:)
