MXtune Plugin not working - solved

Right - Version 1.2.0 works! Thanks!!

:+1: It works great now, Version 1.2.0 - thanks alot Willy!


I wrote

You might have done the community a better service to report that status on a new thread, rather than revenant-bumping a five-year old one.

/me grovels:  mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.

I can never figure out what the ā€œcompressedā€ date-of-post strings mean, and I foolishly read (but didnā€™t check) ā€œFeb 18ā€ as ā€œFebruary something, 2018ā€, rather than ā€œFebruary 18th, current yearā€. Iā€™d love to have the option to have such dates in ISO format (e.g., ā€œ2023-02-23ā€), or at leas have the trailing ordinal suffix (ā€œFeb 18thā€).

Even given my careless mis-read, I should have realized that the Discord server closes old topics (it says so, at the bottom of each and every thread).

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Donā€™t worry about it mate, itā€™s an easy mistake to make and I didnā€™t take it personally. Worse things happen and nobody was hurt etc so donā€™t sweat it :upside_down_face:

Thanks. I figured that since Iā€™d made an ass of myself in public, I needed to acknowledge it equally publicly.


I did something similar here recentlyā€¦ we need more @tseaver attitude in this world!


we need more @tseaver attitude in this world!

Dunno if my wife or my business partners would agreeā€¦


Iā€™m pretty sure the world needs (and me as much as anybody) a great deal less certainty, and a great deal more charity and humility, in the interactions we have with one another.


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