Using Zyn Fusion synth (in Linux), when I try to search for a preset, the keys pressed ins the search bar are passed to Ardour, which interprets them as keyboard shortcuts. (Therefore I cannot use the search…) Is there a way to avoid that (maybe temporarily)?
I can see how this can be ambiguous, as it’s nice to be able to press the space bar (or L) with a plugin open and have Ardour start playing. But it would be nice to be able to search.
In the upper right of the plugin editor/GUI is a small keyboard icon. If enabled (click on it). all key press and release events should be sent to the plugin.
And I’m sorry for missing the already asked question… I did search, but I guess not well enough.
It’s weird because I am using the LV2 plugin. I double checked after I read Robin’s message. But now it is not happening anymore… But now I know about the keyboard icon.