Incompatibility between Windows + Linux Versions?

And in the meantime, I’ve moved from Liquorix to your 5.4.28-rt19avl2 kernel…All seems rosy.

anything to test - even its not ready…

@kultex @GuntherT @anon60445789

There is a prototype ISO up BUT!!! There is another RC coming in a week or so that is pretty much 100% complete. Please test the existing RC2 if you like but it is not the finished dealio in any way!

It was so preliminary I didn’t even post it beyond MX Forum and Linuxmusicians… One big ‘fixme’ to be completed is a patched Kernel to fix the recent BlueZ stack vulnerability…


Thanks so much. I will, however, take your advice and wait for the next RC. After a brief fling with Manjaro (no end of printer issues and didn’t really gel with the package management system) I ended up with Mint XFCE while I await the fruits of your labor.

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