LV2 is a type of plugin format, like VST or AudioUnit. An LV2 plugin could be a filter, or a reverb, or a sample player or a synthesizer or any one of hundreds of types of audio and MIDI processors.
SF2 is a format for audio sample libraries. They are not plugins. They are loaded by a plugin (which could be an LV2 or a VST or an AudioUnit plugin) and used by the plugin. Other similar sample library formats include SFZ, Kontakt (proprietary) and DecentSampler (semi-proprietary).
Examples of plugins that can load an SF2 sample library include a-fluid (included with Ardour) and sfizz. SFizz could be a VST plugin or an LV2 plugin.
Thanks for the answers. LV2 does not work. When scanning plugins, ARDOUR sees them, but this is an error and prevents me from using it. The folder in which these plugins do not affect the operation. Of all the plugins, only tal plugins work. So I want to use sf2 with fluid synth but I can’t hear the drum part because I can’t load them in the import dialog.
Using LV2 plugins alone doesn’t help. The plugin used to preview MIDI clips needs to be set up to correctly respond to MIDI events existing on the channel the clip(s) to import use(s).
If you need to load a preset or soundfont in the plugin to set it up correctly, it seems you can’t use the plugin with the preview function.
Your best bet is to use the “General MIDI Synth” plugin, which comes with Ardour (not sure whether it is included on all OSes and from which version of Ardour onwards), This is set up to play drums sounds on MIDI channel 10 without needing to set up anything. Alas, these are generic General MIDI drum sounds, and in all likelihood won’t sound the same as your SF2 drumkit.
Other plugins, which are General MIDI compatible out-of-the-box, like the AVL Drumkits, should work too.
Before caring about MIDI drums preview I would care about why LV2 are not loading on your system. I can get a working linux audio production in 20 minutes, using LV2, VST and VST3 in Ardour with no particular setup needed: Absolute Barest Bones OS for Dedicated Use - #5 by LAM1
Unless you messed up badly with your linux installation it could be easily solvable. What errors you get when you try to load a LV2 plugin?
Sometimes it’s just a matter of installing some missing packages or making sure you put the LV2 plugins in the right folder (~/.lv2 for user installed ones for example).
Yes, this is a common ardour mistake. I see this in other users. But I couldn’t solve the problem. Basically, this is the solution. Ardour searches the folders for usr/lib/lv2 or something like that. Or he looks in the folders that I have indicated to him. When scanning, he sees them. But I can’t activate them in the plug-in browser because I’m writing an error. I’ve seen a lot of these questions lately. Ardour runs on ubuntu 24.04. from the repositories. Earlier in version 6, I copied the plugin to a folder and specified this folder in the scan settings. Now this method does not work for most plugins. Of all the plugins, only the TAL and Overtone DSP plugins work.
Are the Plugins that don’t work the “Calf Plugins”? That is expected to happen because changes were made after Ardour 8.4 that caused them to no longer show their GUI.
I have 8GB of plugins in hidden folders (~/.lv2, ~/.vst, ~/.vst3) and they scan ok.
You don’t have to select anything for ~/.lv2 (in fact you can’t set the LV2 path in Ardour, because it follows Filesystem Hierarchy Standard), if you put LV2 plugins there they will be seen when you do a rescan in Ardour: Window > Plugin Manager > click on Discover New/Updated.
I tried this but the plugins are still not visible. if I copy folders from the /.lv2 folder and move them to another location, then ardour sees them, but writes that there is an error. Okay, apparently there is a bug in the operating system itself. Thanks for your help
You cut off your path in the picture that was posted.
It should not be in the / directory , but in your user home directory. ~/.lv2. . Lv2 installed from repository get put in another directory. I do not recall what directory that is and cannot check at the moment. But it may be something like /usr/lib/lv2