Hi, I’m from Turkey and I canoot buy Ardour DAW software from Turkey using PayPal. How can I achieve it. Please helpppp. PayPal is blocked from Turkey.
Prob. There is no way. Please add Stripe support.
Forgive me but, it’s so tragedic that you offer paid version with donations and users can’t make donations even if they want. I also donated blender.org and there was obviuosly nothing went wrong. Bro what is your prob? Just add other payment methods to use like blender did.
Blender is managed by a public benefit organization,The Blender Foundation, and is developed by a spin-off company The Blender Institute which employees multiple people to work on Blender.
The existence of a public benefit organization and the overall size of the project provide a lot more options financially than what is essentially a single proprietor project.
Below is a link that explains why PayPal is used. This topic comes up regularly, and many suggestions have been made by users, but none have been feasible for various reasons. The main developer has expressed willingness to add or change to another payment service if one existed that met the needs of the project, but currently PayPal is the only one that does.
Somebody please offer @harun25 their copy of Ardour, after they tell us what platform they are on. The GPL is not for nothing.
Windows 10 Operating System
Are you online and ready to download it now? I could post a link to the binary, but I would want to disable the link after you download it.
Give me 10 minutes I will be ready
Yes, I’ll send the link to the download to your email instead.
Thanks very much. For helping me.
You’re welcome. Please reply to my email once you have confirmed the download worked and the file installed properly. Enjoy!
I achieved it by downloading binary from the link the user gave. I wonder that can I reach next minor and major versions with same way?
That’s up to a user. The GPL allows anyone to distribute (copy) Ardour. Someone did that for you. They might do it again, they might not, somebody else might.
Thanks for reply. Then it’s true to contact to the same user. by email
I know this has already been the subject of discussion but I’m bringing the subject back into the news:
I think I’m going to cancel my paypal payment. I completely support the ardor project to the best of my means for months or even years but I cannot agree to give the slightest income to the company of Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, who are the proponents of the end of democracy (in addition to being crazy libertarians without any brain) and who are at the head of the first world power. So I am going to cancel my Paypal account. In the meantime, I continue to participate in the ardor project indirectly by purchasing a mixbus license during black Friday, and if in the coming months, I can make a donation via my bank card to the ardor project, I will gladly do so. In the meantime, not a penny for the fascists!
(automatically translated from French. sorry for any grammatical errors)
They sold paypal to ebay over 20 years ago.
And ebay subsequently sold it.
The biggest shareholders are insitutional ones like Vanguard, Black Rock etc.
So you’re going to deny yourself and the Ardour developers of a mutually beneficial transaction because of prominent billionaires from another country that no longer have controlling interests in PayPal?
You’re concerned about their power and influence but let them deny you not only of a great partnership with Ardour but also burden you with daily stress about things they actually aren’t even doing (yes, they are doing plenty of terrible things elsewhere). You’re allowing them to take both your DAW and your inner peace. They win I guess…?