How To Contact A Forum User?

Does anyone know how I can contact another forum user directly?

I have a specific hardware question that I want to ask Francesco Grasselli/Neu1986; he wrote the MIDI map for the M-Audio Oxygen Pro 49 wherein he says “Auto-map should be ON”. I can’t find this option anywhere on the device though, am starting to go a bit crazy trying to get set up and would like to ask him for clarification (if he still remembers!). He doesn’t seem to have been active on the forum for a while.


I dont think this discourse is setup to allow that.

As an alternative, you can use the @ followed by the username. For example : @WillowMeWunder , and it should send him an email if his settings allow.

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Good idea, thanks for the suggestion :slight_smile:

A post was split to a new topic: Oxygen Pro 49 Midi Map Help

I split the last post off into it’s own thread as it was on a topic different than ‘how to contact the user’, and more people than just that one user might be able to assist if they are looking for it with a more clear title.

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