For all the pianoroll freaks


OMG! Hell is freezing over right now… Looks marvellous! But… is this for clips only or will this be available for MIDI tracks as well?

Well, it’s about dang time! You had us working with MIDI in the editor like chumps for years. :slight_smile:

On a serious note, this is a great example of your level of direct engagement with Ardour’s users, and your willingness to implement requested features even when it wouldn’t be your inclination to do so otherwise. This style of development is why I have been a subscriber for years. You are open about your thoughts and reasoning behind decisions, but you listen to users who challenge those opinions. Thank you for putting in the countless hours of work to give the people what they want and accommodating their workflows.


MIDI regions as well as clips. Multiple instances if desired.


Well this is great news! Many thanks.
Happy freak here :smile:

Looks great, can it show multiple controller lanes at once? When moving MIDI notes does the CC data below the notes move too? Or can it be selected separately and moved at the same time? Is the window dockable?


Yes to multiple non note data at once. But it is not an MPE editor, so there is no presumption of a note/CC connection

Not yet sure about selection behavior

Window is not dockable but there will be a user choice to use the same gui in a pane or open a new window


Sounds good. Is the piano roll in the latest nightly? I don’t see it.

Regarding moving CC data, we had some discussion about this behvaiour a while back - Some observations on MIDI editing in Ardour

TLDR: CC data is inherently associated with the notes above it, therefore there should be a way to move the two things together. For example if I play a note with a crescendo (using the mod-wheel) then moving that note shouldn’t leave the crescendo behind, the two things belong together.

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There’s no way to use the pianoroll window at this time, but it can be made visible in the Windows top level menu of Ardour.

The linkage between CC data and notes is a bit loose. If you delete a note, that does not call for deleting CC data. If you change the pitch or velocity of a note, that does not call for any change to CC data. There is definitely some strong temporal connection, probably even most of the time, but not all of the time - for example if you have an LFO driving an CC, it really doesn’t matter if you move the notes around.


Yeah I agree it’s definitely not something that you’d always want. But if it could be activated by holding down a key while moving notes, or just selecting the CC data separately and then moving CC or notes moves both that would be ok (same as Qtractor).


I have tears in my eyes right now :slight_smile:

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