I recently purchased Ardour, expecting it to streamline my workflow in recording guitar pieces. However, I’m genuinely disappointed by the way markers are locked to time rather than bars and beats. For a DAW focused on music creation, this setup feels unintuitive and frustrating, as it doesn’t allow markers to dynamically adjust with tempo changes or grid-based arrangements.
I was looking forward to using markers to map out chord changes, scale shifts, and different sections, but because these markers are tied strictly to time, any tempo change or structural adjustment misaligns them. This seems counterproductive for musicians who work around bars, beats, and musical timing rather than fixed timestamps.
Are there any planned updates that might address this? Or perhaps a workaround that keeps markers aligned with musical structure? Did I misunderstand the manual? I believe a feature allowing markers tied to bars and beats would enhance Ardour significantly for musicians. Any guidance or information on future development would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your attention to this, and I hope Ardour can continue evolving for the music-focused user.
And just because I find the timing of this a bit funny, here is a thread complaining about the exact opposite with the same resolution from less than two weeks ago:
Awesome, Thanks so much for the quick response! I can finally mark out sections based on musical timing without worrying about markers getting misaligned with tempo changes.