We’re happy to be back on our planned bi-monthly release schedule, this time with 7.3 which brings VST3 multi-bus support, searchable preferences and sample rate independence as notable new features plus dozens of important crash and workflow fixes.
I had issues using it, it doesn’t seem to load some of my plugins with gui at all,‘plus It would be nice for a native solution. I don’t like to open plugins inside a plugin.
I tried with all settings it’s the same, I have this issue with mixbus as well, same thing. It’s like the overall program has less resolution on most text, which affects all buttons in mixer and editor icons and plugin strip names, and even with mixbus the mixer looks less sharp
It may be hard to see on here but if you open the image and click side by side you can see one of them is more blurry and the other is sharp, that’s what I experience.
Yes, I can well understand that. I use it mainly for Geraint’s Spectrum Matcher and it works great (except that the dry/wet setting is not saved in the project - for whatever reason).
“Anti-Virus” is the textbook case of a cure that has become worse than the desease. Basically obsolete but still hard to get rid of, mostly because “you never know”. The fact that you really never know aka intransparence is what is keeping AV alive.