This is also the last Ardour release for older platforms. Future version will require at least Windows 7, MacOS Mavericks (10.9), Linux systems with or any later version. We are not deliberately trying to snub these older systems, but we are shifting the technology we use to create Ardour forward in time a little bit, and none of these older systems come with the necessary tools.
In the changelog that is filed under Collect Playlist::ContentsChanged() signals. Now there is only one notification (from backend to GUI) for all regions on a playlist instead of one per region.
It is manly relevant for ripple or batch edit operations, but might help in other cases as well.
I am so happy with the new release. Thanks all of you devs for your hard work and dedication!
The new record menu will be invaluable for me when recording acoustic guitar with a mic and direct, as well as being able to name and map hardware inputs.
So many things! Good work. Thank you. I still have problems with consolidation and copying tracks…
Regarding the new Rec I thought that the function of the measuring bridge would be rather extended. It looks very good
Just a debug message, gone now in 6.7-10. Means that a new session (is new 1) was created with [master] bus profile using 2 channels (stereo) for the master-out.
I just downloaded today, however I must be doing something silly as I can’t get v6.7 to play unless I turn off jack sync. But if I do that Ardour plays and the other apps, (e.g. Rosegarden) don’t. In v6.6 I could press the jack sync button and use the transport controls in ardour, the other apps followed ardour. I’ve switched back to v6.6 for now.
I didn’t manage to do too much testing recently, sorry.
The 6.7 versions seems to perform a little better in the largest sessions I work in currently (> 30MB in .ardour).
However it seemed I had to rise my buffer from 2048 to 4096 to be able to have smooth audio playback, which is strange. not sure what he cause could be.
Anyway, I’m not gonna work in these sessions any more after this week, and in the future I’ll try to keep my sessions smaller and divide things more. Also export SFX elements to audio and not have a 100 Surge instancesin one session. Such huge sessions are really killing performance on all fronts making Ardour very unresponsive, at least on the hardware I have available.
I split the elements in this thread that were not really about the 6.7 release into a new thread called “The “Paywall” and related matters”. Feel free to continue discussion there.