Ardour 6.2 is released

Ardour 6.2 is now released. This is primarily a maintenance release, containing a few dozen bug fixes and a couple of new features. MIDI Clock is now working better (both as a source and for transport control). Reverse MIDI playback works again, as does opening files from the macOS Finder, and some audible blips when changing transport state are now gone. There’s a new “Recent Plugins” panel in the mixer, complete with statistics about plugin use. There a couple of new control surfaces with support, and updated translations for 5 languages.

For more details, please read the whole release announcement.

Download as usual from

And to clarify, there was no 6.1 release.


Whoa! Great to see fixes coming in!
I wonder why the unusual numbering though?


And to add to the intrigue: will Mixbus also follow suit?! It’s a nail-biter.

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Hey newbie here! Great to hear/read this!!! downloading right away!


It has happened before. We never, ever delete or replace tags. We tagged 6.1 then found a couple of things that had to be done before release. Since the 6.1 tag was immutable, we moved on to 6.2. It’s better when this doesn’t happen (and it doesn’t happen often), but it’s not much of an issue if it does.


Release process is

  1. tag the release (git tag)
  2. start builds (all 40 binary variants), all need to complete
  3. test builds, check unit-tests etc. check for regressions.
  4. create source tar.gz
  5. upload and publish
  6. announce

If any of the steps 2-5 fails, it’s back to square one.

This could be avoided by doing explicit release candidates for minor releases. Except we still need to re-build after changing a rc-N tag.

PS. In this case we discovered a regression causing audible clicks when locating. I blame Murphy that I only managed to reproduce and understand the issue moments after 6.1 was tagged :slight_smile:


Dear Paul! Dear Robin!

I just drop in to say “Thank You” for your efforts!

Greetings, Michael

Why not use semantic versioning? aka 6.1.1.

6.1.1 would be a bug fix release to 6.1 that had no change in behavior other than fixing the bug.


Instead of arguing about version numbers I just want to say a big THANK YOU!


Would like to say the same :slight_smile:
Happy to see midi things are treaten seriously, i have no doubt that all will be fixed one time!



Noone is arguing about version numbers. Merely clarifying the release tagging procedures.


Thanks so much Paul!.
Maybe you can help me with this. I’m doing big projects at this moment now with 6.0. If I choose to install 6.2, do I have to unistall 6.0 first? ANd will all my extra VST plugins and Presets be still available then?

kind regards Hans Flikkema
GH Music Netherlands

Versions of Ardour obtained from may all be parallel/simultaneously installed with each other. You can have as many different versions as you like.

Versions from elsewhere - you’d have to ask whoever provides them … the answer is often “no”. We also cannot support those versions.

That is nice to hear. I use official version of course. Then I presume that when I open existing project on the new version it’ll also contain the previous selected plugins and settings. I ll try it first thing tomorrow , it is midnight now on this side of our planet;-). And you’re doing a great job btw,:+1::+1::+1:

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Just a small question, how to install it when the used Linux version use DNF or URPMI in state of YUM or APT-GET ?
I could not build the package too …alsa not found ??
Linux version Mageia 7

If acquiring Ardour from Mageia repositories, use this guide:

If acquiring Ardour from this site, use this guide:

Please keep in mind the developers only support official versions, so it is recommended to acquire Ardour from here.

Thanks for you reply Gunther, the last version on Mageia is 5.2…not really the last version.
The issue is when your .run ask if you want to install the Jack, if answering yes, no way to complete the install as the .run is looking for YUM or APT-GET to install it.
Anyway, as system integrator, i could find a way to make the install partially manually. Mageia is an official version used by a lot of linuxer. DNF is used y a lot of linux system too for installing software.
Thanks for your time. Stay safe.

JACK is not necessary to run Ardour unless you need to sync other JACK programs to it. If you need JACK and the offical binary doesn’t support installing it on Mageia, I would recommend answering no to that question and using Mageia’s tools to install JACK manually.

I think that message produces some confusion. Paul and Robin, any thoughts on removing it from the installation process in the future? Those who need JACK should be capable of installing it on their own, and those who don’t need it won’t be lead to believe they do.