Ardour 6.2 is released


I have Ardour 5 with a license. If a install the new version will I have to buy a new one?

And I understand, reading the other questions, that both Ardour versions will coexist, so I’ll have to remove version 5 manually (I don’t see any reason to have both installed).

Thanks a lot,


So first, to be clear, Ardour is released under the GPL. That’s the only license for the software, and nobody pays for a license. If you paid for a download, you were paying us for the service of building the software for you.

If you paid US$45 or more for Ardour 5.x, you will not be asked to pay for 6.x assuming you paid while logged into If you paid less than that, you will be asked to pay again.

You can have both versions installed; the installer will ask you about uninstalling 5.x and will do it for you if you say yes.

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Hi Paul,

That was exactly the case. My bad.

Thanks for answering, now I can move to the new version more confidently.

