Anyone making jazz music in Ardour?

Hi all! I’m wondering if there are any jazz songs made in Ardour here. :blush:

I wish I could but coming from a hard rock background it is kind of difficult for me moving towards jazzy terrain.

So, the following is the closest I could come to at current.


I have made three songs, which could be categorized as some variety of Jazz:

Here’s a short “Spy Jazz” piece:

and here’s some 80s-inspired Fusion Jazz:

But please note that both these songs were made as part of a challenge, where all sounds had to come from a specific synthesizer only. So, if I had produced them outside of these challenges, I would have used real (or sampled) instruments.

And here’s some big-band latin soul funk smooth jazz thingy:

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I liked this song! It’s so nice to hear music and lyrics like this these days. They’re really refreshing and bring a smile to my face. :blush::hugs:

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The music was well played and arranged, and the mixing was good and balanced. I liked it :headphones: :slightly_smiling_face:

One synth challenge? Is there still an opportunity to do that somewhere? I remember that Björn Arlt from Full Bucket Music has also some tracks from one synth challenge?

I made this long track four years ago using VST instruments. I also played drums (VSTi). Piano and bass are royalty-free loops.
Vinyl distortion effect. Clarinet solo starting the track with Brass section in the background, then followed by tenor saxophone solo. Release date:10 November 2020

-by the way, it’s looooong track :smile:

Blues for you - long track!

Here is some kind of chillout/smooth jazz track, released 07/03/2022

This track is older than released date, (Release Date: January 21, 2022 ). Uploaded few times before somewhere :laughing:

The Libre Music Challenge sometimes does one-synth-only rounds: Libre Music Challenge
And there’s of course the OSC: KVR One-Synth-Challenge

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very interesting piece - initially the various elements seemed to fight each other - especially the click on the right (?) channel - but after a while everything blended perfectly

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Aahh, I forget KVR :sweat_smile: thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I appreciate your feedback. I do try to work ASAP when I can. I’ve found it’s more effective for me to work in this way, as it allows me to get things done. My main focus is creating demos rather than final mixes or arrangements. I don’t often have the chance to do music as such – my work mainly entails making small adjustments, turning knobs, experimenting and exploring sounds and effects. I’m using MIDI sequences and samples/loops in order to produce something without necessarily knowing what it will ultimately be. :control_knobs: :level_slider:

KVR One-Synth-Challenge - Rules

aahhh…I find there are perhaps too many rules, which can sometimes be a little overwhelming.

I’ve also made some jazzY stuff, but just for video so far. The only one that’s posted is the theme and backing track for a buddy’s podcast pilot
it’s all sequenced though, haven’t tracked anything myself.

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Here is something I put together that called got called “neurojazz rockaton”

Strange and interesting at the same time. Is that a vocoder type of thing you are using for the vocals?
Anything else?
The title also suggests that very experimental things are happening here.

The vocals were just downloaded from looperman, but does sound like a vocoder was used. I have also used various components of the project I am working on called LogicalArdour which is supposed to give Ardour GarageBand functionality.

For the main vocal, I used “Edge Vocal” track template/preset which tries to mimic the "Edge Vocals"preset found in GarageBand.

I have used two other LogicalArdour scripts to stretch the two loops that I downloaded to the BPM of the rest of the project. I think I may have used another one of my scripts to transpose one of the audio loops to the key of the everything else in the project, but I am not 100% positive.

I am also using a “Session Player” Surge XT track template/preset on the one track which mimics the functionality of the Session Player found in Logic Pro 11

Here is screenshot of my mixer page which gives a rough idea:


Not exactly jazz, but certainly jazz-influenced (still an unfinished WIP):

Speak Through Me


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