All menu entries greyed out?

I just downloaded latest nightly build and after few minutes into messing with empty/new project i get all menu entries greyed out:

did i press something to cause this, or feature(bug)? :smiley:

While a modal dialog is visible, you have to interact with the dialog first.

Do you use Ardour 8.6-525? are there any dialogs visible (other than the varispeed dialog)?

yes, that’s the version.
No other dialogue present(let me try to play with it for some time). When re-opening projects, i get funky outline color buttons like shown here:

14 posts were split to a new topic: Color theme issues with Ardour 8.7

after doing steps from last reply: i got again the original issue:
(greyed out entries), no popup no nothing

i’ve expected ‘show all’ to show any hidden window, but it does not bring up any other window.

Is this repeatable? …

i’ve achieved this state like 5 times today (since i downloaded latest nightly build, a bit prior to starting this post)
I cannot make exact procedure, sometimes it’s after a while, sometimes it’s when i open project (like the one occurring now).

You download ardour from or you can build it yourself?

download from there, did not build it for sure

i am building a new nightly build. I’ll let you know it is ready. it should give us some more info.

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my uptime was more than 30 days, after reboot, all seems okay… f* the mac… Nonetheless i will keep chasing these issues…

That is worrying. Why would a reboot change anything (this is not windows).
Nothing that would be relevant here (Ardour preference, theme files, Ardour binary itself) would change after a reboot.

The M2 MacBookAir here has an uptime of 33 days (that was the reboot to update to 14.6.1), and works just fine, and often go much longer periods w/o reboot.

Well, maybe some cosmic rays flipped a few bits in memory or some similar event which would require a reboot.

Could you please try ? It’s hot from the oven and includes debug printout for the grayed out menu issue.

If you manage to somehow get the menu to become insensitive and remain that way, please share ~/Library/Prefeference/Ardour8/*.log (2 files) with @paul .

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The insensitive menu issues were fixed in Ardour 8.7.3.
We have uploaded this release to the download site (replacing 8.7.0).

As for the color theme issue, that is now a dedicated thread: Color theme issues with Ardour 8.7

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