ZynAddSubFX GUI not showing in 8.7

The LV2 version of ZynAddSubFX (ZynFusion)is not showing the GUI in 8.7, it is however showing the GUI for the VST version. It also shows the GUI for LV2 in an earlier version of Ardour. Video below shows all this:

Yes, I have the same issue.

SAme here on openSUSE TW, official Ardour-8.7 and zyn-fusion lv2 from multimedia repo, it shows a black screen. I didn’t test the vst version.

Same problem here. On Debian 12, Ardour 8.7 official buil, ZynFusion local build.

Same issue here Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Worked in Ardour 8.6

Fixed in Ardour 8.7.5


How do we get 8.7.5?

From the nightly builds

FWIW, the version available on the “nightlies” page is 8.7.15.

How do non-subscribers get a fix for this issue? The nightlies page says only subscribers can download these versions.

Build it yourself or wait for 8.8 or subscribe @ $1/month and immediately cancel etc. etc.


Thanks! Thought of the subscribe/cancel thing but didn’t want to be dishonest. But hey, if you approve…


I am using Ardour 8 on my Fedora 40, and since upgrade to version 8.7.0 (from repository) I am facing same issue.

After downgrade (from repository) to version 8.4.0 there is no issue.

This I reported as a bug 0009802.

Hope issue will be resolved in version 8.7.0.

It is already fixed, as you would see if you search these forums.

Hello Paul,

thank you for your reply.

on Ardour pages is available version 8.7.0 to download.
This version I also downloaded earlier in past, but I can’t run this application as it constantly crashes during start.

By this way I prefer to install from distribution repository where are necessary patches for Fedora.

Additionaly, I do not prefer to build from GIT as it require also install additional development tools into system, also I have no knowledge for proper patchning on Fedora system.

That is not a known issue. It would be great if you can help to debug this

You do not have to. There are daily builds available from https://nightly.ardour.org

The Fedora packager works closely with upstream and the only patch they did is to tweak the default VST search path used when running Ardour the first time (change lib to lib64).

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Hello Robin,

for application crash during start I created report in bug 0009803, you can check.

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