I’m new to Ardour - quite happy with the process of adding plugins to tracks and editing and things. But sometimes, for no reason I can discern, in the Edit view when clicking to select a track, sometimes the window spontaneously expands to about 3x its width, far wider than the system display. It seems the left-most mixer/fader strip has exploded to about 10x wider than it was, making it impossible to see the tracks themselves. I can’t find anywhere to click to fix it apart from moving the entire window around the display to select another track. Once it goes sour, selecting that track will continue to explode the UI reproducibly.
I’ve tried various things including saving the editor view while things look sensible, but that is not sufficient to restore it when the problem occurs. Also, removing the plugins on the track does not help.
So if I had to guess form that screenshot, it looks like something you are doing in your plugins is generating a LOT of outputs, which the track is then trying to display metering for. It appears you are trying to work with possibly ambisonic material or similar? What exactly are you doing that is generating potentially over 100 outputs(Not actually counting that sorry)?
Thanks. I thought I’d seen this without ambisonics, but that was a while ago so I might well have forgotten - in any case, the current goal is to play with ambisonics anyway.
I see what you mean about outputs.
I’ve managed to reproduce it.
With a chain consisting of stereo encoder, binaural decoder and fader there is no apparent problem.
Adding either the DirectionalCompressor or DirectivityShaper (by IEM) between encoder & decoder caused it to explode again.
Is there somewhere I can click to bring that strip back down to size? Or tell it not to display potential outputs? Or should I take a few steps back, ask what I think I’m playing at and not make this mess in the first place?