Where to locate downloaded plugins

Linux Mint 22,
Ardour 8

Ardour comes with some plugins.
If I download another plugin (say x42) where should I put it so that Ardour scans it?
thank you.

I think the x42 suite comes with an install script that should place them automatically. Then you scan for new plugins in Ardour and done. However, you can check this thread:

This is where I put them:

For LV2 plugins →


For VST2 plugins →


For VST3 plugins →


LV2 plugins should be picked up automatically if added to the folder above. You need to rescan for plugins in order for Ardour to pick up newly installed VST plugins.

JcVardy and GuntherT

Thank you both so much. Your suggestions have solved my problem.

My best wishes to you both.


And ~/.lv2.

Most distros put them in /usr/lib/vst and most DAW also look there, though they also might look in /usr/lib/lxvst and generally, DAWs let you configure the VST2 search paths.

~/.vst is also generally searched.

And /usr/lib/vst3 for system-wide installation.

For DAWs that support CLAP plugins (Ardour currently not being among them), there’s also /usr/lib/clap and ~/.clap.

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