What is the purpose of the ".isubscribe" file?

I just found an intriguing new file within Ardour 8’s .config folder, created on 20.09.2024 and named “.isubscribe”. The file is only located in the beforementioned directory and found nowhere else on my drives. GNOME’s Nautilus says it’s an “empty document”, doesn’t even contain a single byte. Indeed, opening it with a text editor, there’s nothing in it.

Using up-to-date signature files for clamav, I did a full scan and it found 0 malware, implying the file was safe. Also, all online searches only show results out of context and a URL, having something to do with magazine subscriptions.

But how did it get on my drive and why? And Is it safe to be removed, as it wasn’t there before the mentioned date, either?

PS: I actually am an active Ardour subscriber, but if the file is used for proof or indexing subscriber’s installations or something, wouldn’t there be a mentioning of it inside Ardour’s manual?

Thanks for your answers in advance!
Best regards

It stops us bugging you again after an export. You can feel free to remove it, and we’ll just nag you after your next export :slight_smile:

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