Websocket more transport controls

To use the websocket control properly i would like to have:

  • record enable for tracks in the websocket mixer
  • go start to session / go back to marker button
  • play loop range

I’m using it right now with setting up everything in the control room and then go to the recording room to the drumkit and hit record play and go. So the record enable could be done before switching rooms but if i do a bad take i have to go back to control room every time.

These are all controllable via OSC, and thus via a websocket. Someone just needs to make a web page that does that stuff.

Hey @eighty,

if you’re using Open Stage Control, there is a very good example on how to control Ardour you can find here. I guess it can do all the things you need and more…

This is now a feature request 0009819: Add more transport controls to websocket page for remote control recording - MantisBT
If it really is just a matter of making a web page, I should be able to do it some time (but likely not soon).

I had taken a short insight in the source code but had to figure my little web knowledge was not suited for the task. So i would really appreciate any effort in this direction.