'waf --configure' fails: alsa not found

I’m running ubuntu 22.04.

I tried installing ardour via flatpak, but it simply would complete the launch process. So I’m trying to install it from the git repo, following instructions that I found here: https://ardour.org/building_linux.html

When I run ‘./waf --configure’ the output ends with:
Checking for 'alsa' : not found

I installed alsa using apt and rebooted.
Then I returned to the git-managed directory with ardour and ran the script again.
Once again the script was unable to find alsa.

If I google, I can see that some people prefer to use ardour with something called Jack, which appears to be an alternative to alsa.

I don’t really about which version of that thing (whatever it is) runs.
How can I actually get ardour running?

For compiling, you need the development subpackage (header files etc.) of ALSA, it’s called libasound2-dev in debian world.

Building Ardour might not be a good first choice if you’re not accustomed to linux and compiling stuff from source.

Also, as stated in the page you linked :

Do you really need to do this? We provide ready-to-run packages of Ardour. Unless you are a developer with experience compiling and building applications from source, this document is not for you. Please go back to the download page

We do not provide support for building from source. We do not make regular efforts to keep this page up to date. Please do not ask for help with this process.

Maybe try to install the demo from the download page ? Then if it doesn’t work, that would be a real issue. AFAIK there is no offcial Ardour flatpak.

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