Voice processor to recommend?

Hiya everybody

Is there any good graphical voice processor that can be recommended to use with ardour on Linux station ?

I’m really satisfied and impressed with ardour, you guys did a master work !!
(user since 2007)

Thank you for your comments , wish you the best ! :slight_smile:

What do you mean by “processor” exactly? There are comp plugins, equalizer plugins, etc. Are you looking for autotune? Or…?

Hi Saam , I mean a tool with presets for voices … analyser combined to tools and presets to avoid loosing too much time ! … lol

Hm, I don’t know of an all-in-one plugin available on Linux that does that. Harrison has the “Vocal Character” plugin, but that is pretty much just an-easy-dial-in EQ. No compression or anything else. I suggest developing a chain of plugins that are your “go-to” for vocal tracks, and saving that in a template or something, and saving the presets for each one.

yes that’s it Saam, chain of plugins oriented vocals, using analysis (spectrum,formants etc) with “standards” comparaison … anybody is ready for coding this guys ?? … :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

(of course with a nice GUI lol)

Maybe you should take the mantel :wink:
I would look into some of Harrison’s plugins. Their compressor and EQ/filters are really top notch. I think I remember reading that x42 has an autotune plugin, but I haven’t actually used it.

Oki Saam I will have a look at x42,
never used, thank you for your kind reply :slight_smile:

Hello Bachstudies, Yes exactly ! …
This is that kind of tool I’m looking for, I really would like to test but I just run Linux, so this one won’t fit to me.

This tool is interesting too : https://youtu.be/wMxdxhk7UwY :ok_hand: :+1:

OK Bachstudies, thank you very much for this link and advise, I will try :+1:

Wish you a great day :slight_smile:

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Just for the record it is a bit more than a simple EQ, it tracks the fundamental and lets you adjust harmonics vs the fundamental of a track.


Assuming you are talking about Izotope Nectar or various plugins in a similar nature, there isn’t really a chain like that. You could conceivable make a chain without the fancy gui using a tool like Carla to patch things together and save as a plugin that is hosted in the DAW, but there is nothing as ‘unified’ as Ozone or similar. All the basic components that make up those processors exist on Linux though, most of them consist of the following:


With some combination/variation on the following:
Noise Reduction
Stereo Widening (A couple ways to do this)

All of the above exist on Linux as separate tools, just not a unified tool.


Hiya Seablade, thank you for your useful comment :+1: :slight_smile:


Great tip on the WA Plugins, thanks! Dialog working perfectly here in Ardour with LinVST and also in my Windows version of EnergyXT… LinVST works so well I’m starting to simply pick plugins in Ardour by their name and function rather than what platform they were built for… :smiley:


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