Might just have to be this type of window used, but I noticed that when using the Virtual MIDI keyboard provided, that if you minimized Ardour, the VMKB window stays open and “on top” of other programs. Its window does not show up in the “panel” bar but it remains visible.
I was just wondering if this is a bug or is this just the type of window it has to use in order to work in Ardour.
Yes I mean the VMKB provided by Ardour.
Shows up when you use Alt+K hotkey.
So this does not happen for you?
Is what I am saying not typical behavior for this VMKB window?
Hmmm, what kind of window is VMKB considered to be? Is it a “general window”? I would think in order for it to still stay visible when Ardour is minimized would be if it showed up as a “button” in panel like other applications do.
VMKB does act different than other windows, it also does not “snap” (snap edges) to other windows, for example like plugin GUI windows do.
Would any other users be willing to give this a try?
Hit Alt+K to open the VMKB and then minimize Ardour.
Then mention if this VMKB window stays visible for you.
Thank You
Well, thanks for shining a spotlight on this… kid
but with almost the same amount of effort you could have opened up Ardour, hit Ctrl+K, minimized Ardour and then report the result with a more productive response.
Was hoping to get responses from other users rather than having Robin dive into an issue that maybe others could simply verify that it is not just me, which could be more helpful.
Thanks again
Okay Robin I was hoping to generate more information about this from other users but no responses yet, so here you go.
-I want to test some WMs out before wasting your time looking into this specifically.
-I tried this on both Demo versions 8.6.0 and 8.7.0 and occurs in both
-In 8.7.0 I tried out some settings in the Quirks section as you mentioned. (I restarted Ardour after each change)
This originally occurred with the top two items out of the six checked ON (Use visibility & Show/Hide ones)
I then tried including the “All floating windows are dialogs” which produced the same results.
I then just tried uncheck all of the six boxes. After freaking out for a second because the splash screen covers the dialog box to open a project occurred, I realized I had to drag that window over to open a project. I then discovered that it does the same thing.
So everything mentioned here so far, produces the same results.
Hopefully this was helpful.
Again if anyone can confirm that this common expected behavior please share.
Thank You