Viewing audio as notes

Is there a way to show a piano-roll, staff, or other such view of an audio track that would enable me to, for example, check whether I in fact hit the notes I intended to when I intended to?


You can use the polyphonic audio to midi lua script that comes with Ardour.

There is also an autotune plugin made by @x42 called x42 autotune:x42 Auto Tune

Melodyne also does this, but that costs money.

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Unfa made a nice tutorial demo on X42 Auto Tune some time ago. Gives a pretty clear illustration of how the plugin converts vocal pitch to keys on a piano roll.

I’m using it in my current project and it’s doing pretty well. Still, I would be interested in hearing if Melodyne or other paid pitch correction plugins are available for native Linux (that is, without needing Wine)

I read somewhere that someone actually reached out Celemony about porting Melodyne to Linux and they were not interested.

I did try out Melodyne in Yabrdige on Ardour and it worked well.

There are a couple alternatives out there:

There is mxtune which works similarly to Melodyne but is not as refined or easy to use:

There is also something called Melonix that I have not tried yet because the one time I tried to compile it I was unsuccessful. I may try again to get this working in the near future as based on the Youtbe video it looks promising:

Which versions of Melodyne and Wine did you use?

I don’t remember as it is on my old rig and don’t really feel like firing that up right now.

However I did test just test on my current laptop running Ubuntu 24.04 with Yabridge 5.1.1 and WINE 9.0 stable and it seems to working fine here too, no problems activating the trial.

Edit: just realized you asked version of Melodyne, I am guessing the latest since I downloaded from their site.

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