Using different automation mode while recording than while playing back

Hello everyone,
I’m quite new to the DAW world and currently trying to figure out automation in ardour.
My use case is that i have a live event and mix it using ardour but also want to record all relevant tracks and produce an enhanced version of the audio later, it seems that i need to manually change the automation mode for all tracks to write and then go to the edit mode and do the same for mute and every effect i have. Is there a setting or plugin i missed that would allow me to set everything to write mode while recording is active and new track is written or am i missing any other shortcut here? Another thing that surprises me is that i can’t seem to find a way to record if an effect was enabled or disabled, same question here.
Thank you for your help,

Perfect use case for lua scripting, but I don’t know of one off hand, maybe someone else does.
