Undo automation change

Is it possible in Ardour to undo an automation change? My issue (and this has happened several times) is that I’ll do a careful run through a track using a control surface and get the levels throughout the song more or less to my liking. Then a minute later I’ll go back and listen to the song, and about half a minute into the listen I’ll realize that I forgot to change the automation on a track from “write” to “play” and I’ll have overwrote all my careful fader-riding. If I then ask Ardour to undo, it seems to ignore the automation changes altogether and undo the last editing related task. Is there a way to undo just a set of automation changes?

– Alex

I think seablade is right. It’s not really a bug, just a feature request. The ability to undo a write pass would be a very important feature for me. As it is, if I accidentally forget to switch a track from write to play and start the track rolling, my only solution is to immediately close ardour and lose unsaved data so I can get my automation back. Probably not the desired workflow.

In case anyone cares, the silence here was met with a similar silence on the ardour-users list, implying that undoing automation is currently impossible.

– Alex
Two year financial subscriber… yeah.

It is possible to undo automation changes, it is not however possible to my knowledge to undo a write pass.


This sounds like a bug; probably best to put a report on http://tracker.ardour.org/ and then it won’t get lost.