Ubuntu Studio 15.10 problem and solution

I’d like to share my experience with the recent Ardour4 in the recent buntu Studio 15.10.

Firstoff, you may or may not have noticed, that the binary package does not do well on that distro since US 15.10 comes with GCC5and the package tells us at install, that it is built with GCC4.

To avoid any trouble I built Ardour from git and look forward the next binary release…

In the meantime I tried to start the build but it failed to load any session or even to make a new one. The troublemaker seems to be a strange default setting in Ubuntu Studios Qjackctl.
It starts Jack like this(according to its .jackdrc-file)

/usr/bin/jackd -v -P5 -p512 -t1000 -dalsa -dhw:M2496 -r48000 -p128 -n2 -Xseq

I dont really know, whether its wise to set realtime-priority with -P5
Anyway, when I start jackd like this:

/usr/bin/jackd -t1000 -dalsa -dhw:M2496 -r48000 -p128 -n2 -Xseq

Ardour from todays git works perfectly OK.

Ubuntu Studio has its pros and cons AFAIKS, now, that Ardour works as expected, the pros outweigh :wink: