Trying to program MIDI device with Ardour. Ardour sends several CC's after playback stopped

aseqdump -p 24:1
Waiting for data. Press Ctrl+C to end.
Source Event Ch Data
0:1 Port subscribed 134:0 → 133:0
134:0 Control change 13, controller 0, value 0
134:0 Control change 13, controller 32, value 13
134:0 Program change 13, program 2

134:0 Control change 0, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 0, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 1, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 1, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 2, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 2, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 3, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 3, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 4, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 4, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 5, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 5, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 6, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 6, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 7, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 7, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 8, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 8, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 9, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 9, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 10, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 10, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 11, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 11, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 12, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 12, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 13, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 13, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 14, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 14, controller 123, value 0
134:0 Control change 15, controller 64, value 0
134:0 Control change 15, controller 123, value 0

Is there a way that I can use Ardour to send only a few PC or CC or other user selected MIDI messages? Or stop all those CC’s when stopped ? I would like to stay within Ardour and not use an external program to set up this device. This is an old MIDI device with a Learn capability that seems to be interfered with when the stop button is pressed. Otherwise, the device works fine.

I am able to program the device, but I have to exit out of learn mode before pressing stop and prevent sending those CC’s that Ardour transmits. It would be a lot easier to have a MIDI send feature in Ardour if it is available.

Any Suggestions ?

There is currently no option to disable the MIDI-Panic (all notes off, raise pedal) message at transport stop.

However, if you have the MIDI data in a file, you can use a Lua Script to send it Using Ardour to Update Piano Firmware via MIDI? - #2 by x42

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