The Stepford Crash Pilots

Rock’n’Roll without much shiny-bright polish applied. After some difficulties with Ardour 6, discussed and remedied in the forum, we are glad to present the results.

  • Where are we going, Johnnie?
  • To the top!
  • Which top?
  • To the toppermost of the poppermost!

(We hope you can see our tongues in the cheeks. Who would be so presumptious to compare themselves with the Fab Four!)


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Seems to be coo!
Did not take the time yet to watch the whole stuff, but I will go back to it, and maybe drop down my personnal feelings!

Thanks for the reply! If you revisit it, you will, like everybody else who apparently listened, notice that
it’ s not the world’s most well-balanced mix and still full of glitches. Personally, we like that garage approach, but it might have gone a bit too far in parts. Also, the twins have a hard time singing in tune here and there, but what were we supposed to do? Neither Noel Gallagher nor Luke Spiller were available…

Oh, Eff! I just noticed the slip. Of course it has to be LIAM, not Noel Gallagher. Phew…