Topic that already contains this info is locked being old, so,
having just watched this video:
i must say i was honestly very surprised by the results.
Blind test fooled me, and i’m not realy inexperienced with this kind of stuff.
Yes, i’m aware what Paul thinks about developing these kind of tools, but,
to be honest, ther’re a must have in a modern day studio.
DAW is a modern day tool, so…
I feel similar way about not using real drummers in records as Paul feel about this,
but my feelings are not gonna change the reality.
(That being said, the one thing i still miss is linux is a great sample library like Studio Drummer or BFD, and it’s so painfuly evident in all song examples is saw done in Linux. I’m banging my head on how to record one, but it’s so damn demanding to do professionaly and up to standard that i don’t know if it’s gonna be possible for me to undertake this kind of task. Simply to pricey.)
Okay, so, not willing to be a drag, but i honesly think that people should be aware
that this example (if true) proved that time stretch (rubberband?) acctualy sounded better than elastique pro, but that it’s implementation in ardour project is not near as simple.
Food for thougts for developers and users also.