SurgeXT crashes Ardour

I’ve installed the latest version of Surge XT, and using it as VST3: Release 1.3.4 · surge-synthesizer/releases-xt · GitHub
I add it on a midi track as its synth, and the moment it tries to load, Ardour crashes. Any workarounds? That’s a major synth on linux…

I’m using Linux Mint 22 (based on ubuntu 24.04), with jack, and jack-pipewire installed, plus the ubuntustudio-pipewire-config package installed, that sets up stuff properly under the hood.

The crash happens with both ardour 8.4 (official ubuntu package), and the 8.10 demo I just downloaded from this site. Other plugins work just fine…

Anybody here that can reproduce this Ardour crash? Over here it crashes, but launching Ardour from the command line doesn’t say anything more other than “killed”. It provides no useful information.

SurgeXT works well in Reaper and it’s arguably the most powerful open source synth on Linux. I hope the dev team could investigate.

I’m running debian/stable and can load SurgeXT (the VST3 variant) just fine in Arodur 8.10.

Running Arodur in gdb (Ardour8 --gdb) may shed some light. See

I can indeed load it fine on my Debian (-Testing) as well. But it doesn’t work on Mint 22.

I can confirm that it works fine on Ubuntu 24.04.1 and Ardour 8.10

I was able to make it work on my ubuntu laptop too (and Debian-testing). Only Mint doesn’t work (which is based on ubuntu 24.04). I wonder if the screen resolution has something to do with it. The laptop I have mint installed, has only 1366x768 resolution, while the other computers I tried it on have more res. A mystery…

Did you receive a message before the crash? Such as Ardour is not responding etc…I don’t think it’s a issue related to the resolution, maybe something else due to hardware capability even if mint is running, so…
have you installed the .deb?

Doing this is going to give the most helpful information. There are too many things it could be to take guesses.

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