Here I use rss and can get notifications with a news feeder though I don’t use it ardour-discourse’s rss on my phone as I prefer to read content of it on my desktop…
I narrate a couple of things as I kind of review my handling of how to entrap rss urls for my news feeders.
To my surprise, it is possible to also use rss with topics as well as categories… see the following on how to use rss+cache-entry to serve as a workaround solution instead of relying on the discourse’s built-in web searching engine for achieving pretty much the same thing…
^ though I will never have a real need for this, the facility is using a “local search” is already built into the news aggregators that I am using for both Desktop and Android…
The aggregators I use are “Akregator” (Desktop) and Podcast Addict (Android)
My particular news feeder ‘Akregator’ has expiration-cache settings so if I do not want to search topic posts on the system past a couple of months I can configure a shorter expiration in Akregator’s setting. If your news feeder is strictly forbidding, you may not be able to search cached feeds beyond a certain time-frame… Here I can use “lv2” in a search feature provided and it searches quickly on the cached entries without needing to contact the server – with ‘Podcast Addict’ I don’t know how the time-span works, but it can have an “unlimitted” setting for number of “episodes”…
‘Podcast Addict’ uses the same RSS url, …if you don’t want to use ‘Podcast Addict’ , you can try to search for an alternative with ‘rss’ or ‘feeder’ in the android playstore, but iirc it was hard to find all the features of allowing to being able to use “custom” rss urls, import opml, … There may be another RSS feeder providing the same functionality, suit what works best for you.
Here I use Podcast Addict and use the rss url “” to get the latest topics,
Notice you can filter the RSS entries with just “lv2” and that can yield quick results just as Akregator.
You may notice just 2 entries when I typed “lv2” with PA, that’s because I just started using ardour-discourse rss with it… and I suppose if many “episodes” were cached over the course of time, many more entries would show up from the local search.
How to get the RSS url from discourse:
As far as I can tell, you only need to add .rss to a discourse url in order to use a news feed with it.
Discourse RSS feeds
( source: )
so for – this category, just add .rss and that can serve as your news feed…
imho, the ardour discourse may have “tag” capability but I think it may be too server-demanding so this is why it may have been disabled.
(I suppose this is why we cannot create new topics directly within the sub-forum/categories because then we may be able to create tags from there )
The 3 rss urls that I use that I know work well are,
I’ve only learned that there’s actually more when I looked into this again today, I’m quite impressed, it’s pretty much RSS everywhere…
A power tip I can provide about Akregator to make life easier is if you want to use the same entries on Android, you can easily do this::
-> Create your news feeder entries in Akregator, export them as an .opml file, then email the .opml as an attachment. Use your email on Android to save the email attachment into a Documents location, then use Podcast Addict to do an opml import. There’s no copy-pasting needed to be done within the phone as between the webbrowser and PA. Just import 1 .opml file and all your news feeds are now usable and ready to notify you of RSS updates…
An example of tracking an LV2 topic thread is relatively simple,
just add “.rss” – and this is the url to use in PA
For extra RSS tricks, check out this site,
^ For sites that have no rss facility, there’s dedicated sites to provide workarounds… I use one such service to pull twitter things into RSS items…
So even if a site has no RSS-capability, you can turn it into one with the help of an rss-relay provider, and then serve that into your news aggregator.
– here I am new to ardour and discourse, I’ve been using RSS with discourse for several weeks already but I’m not familiar with all discourse things. I just stumbled upon these newer RSS capabilities and apparently discourse is much more veratile than I previously thought. I suppose if the admins want to mention these RSS facilities with discourse I would be in support of promoting the tags-based RSS feature one as that looks like the most interesting.
The technical burden is it may be too server-demanding so I suppose this is why it is not enabled. I think this discourse forum should have tags-named RSS feeds because it would encourage more participation for people who enjoy reading things on mobile, the “discourse” app imho does not work well(it has a 2.6 review rating on the playstore)… perhaps an RSS-approach can help fulfill its shortcomings.
hope some of things mentioned here can be useful, or just another splash of weird tech-savvy things
(I have no idea how this ended up being long text again XD)