I have found a way to do stem separation using lua and the Facebook demucs docker image, video demonstration is below, also a github repo of it in its current state: GitHub - jmantra/ardourstemseparation: lau script for stem separation in Ardour using lua
I am not sure if I am going to implementing this into LogicalArdour or not considering how much overhead is currently involved to get it working.
Speaking of LogicalArdour, for those of you who have been following my project, I am going to do an in person on talk on it at Ohio Linuxfest in Columbus, Ohio, next Saturday, November 16.
For those of you who don’t know, I have been working on a project called LogicalArdour which aims to use Ardour lua scripting interface as well as some other components to give Ardour similar features and functionality of GarageBand/Logic Pro out of the box.
I first unofficially announced I was working on it in this post here from January of this year (OpenSource - PlugIn Base stack - #11 by jmantra)
It is not quite ready for official release, but is in a good enough state that it’s ready to be presented at a Linux conference.
Here is the github repo for it: GitHub - jmantra/LogicalArdour: Gives Ardour functionality like Garageband/Logic
It is come quite a long a way since I filmed that youtube video linked in the repo. The tempo estimation happens a lot faster and is a lot more accurate. I have also removed all WINE and proprietary plugins and am proudly now using all FOSS and Linux native plugins. I have also added the ability to transpose audio loops by key and scale and stretch audio to a fixed BPM both features found in GB/Logic Pro.
For those of you interested in this project and my talk, below is some information:
Here is the information about me and my talk: 2024 Speakers - OLF Conference
Here are my slides in pdf format:
My OneNote notes to accompany my demo:
I am very excited about this talk as it allows me to gauge interest from a general technical audience, get feedback and do some professional networking
I am hoping to have this fully released on at least two distros (Ubuntu and Fedora) by the holidays with the associated youtube tutorials baked into the menu system.
I have worked VERY hard on this project over the past 10 months and words cannot express how excited I am to be presenting this to a live audience.
Edit: Forgot to add my talk will be streamed over Youtube on Ohio Linuxfest’s YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@OLFConference