first import audio stem to ardour
then apply eq to it (extream move and keep input and output gain match)
export stem from ardour by stem export
now import both processed stem(exported from ardour) and raw/dry stem (imported to it)
and invert polarity of whichever you like
what is happen ??
if you hear no sound mean that no processes happen and both dry and wet stem are unprocessed becasue with polarty invert this 2 track cancel each other (specialy in ardour 7.5)
in ardour 7.3 and lastest 8.4 stem get processed but not all of it
my stem lengh is around 3 min and ardour just processes arournd 1 min of it
after ~ 1min tracks start cancel each other and i hear no thing
testing env = ableton and polarty invert with ableton utility plugin
I also tested ableton with this method and every thing is good in it but in ardour …
By default stem export does not apply any effects, unless you explicitly enable “Apply track/bus processing” in the Channels Tab of the Stem export dialog.
PS. if this concerns a stereo track, there is a known bug in Ardour 7.x where both channels would play the left channel of the source file.
How it work ?
I route kick to drum bus and after that master bus and in both (drum bus and master) I have processor
now if I “apply track/bus processing”
processors in drum bus and master bus affect kick channel stem export or not
Short answer is no, that would be counter to what a stem export is really.
But if you do a stem export of the drum bus, then processing applied to the drum bus would apply to the output assuming that box was checked, however no processing of the master bus would affect it by intention. If you do a stem export of the drum tracks though, the processing of the drum bus will likely not affect the output even if that box is checked, because you are exporting the audio before it is ever routed to the drum bus.