Do let me know if any of these can already be fixed from “Preferences” option that I haven’t noticed.
Automatic “pinning” for quicker sidechaining: upon selecting a sidechain track in “pin connections”, automatically connect the pins to available sidechain inputs instead of having to manually drag each time. In each sessions I usually have at least 6-7 tracks sidechained to 808s/kicks, as well as 5+ sidechains running on delay/reverb/FX busses, so manually connecting all these pins for every plugin is very tedious and timewasting for me… I guess it may cause unintended problems when there are more than 1 sidechain input or more complicated plugins, but for most producers I don’t think that’s very common. (See GIF.)
Copy sidechain routing when copying plugins: Related for first one, if I have sidechained compressor on one track to my 808s/kicks, and I copy that plugin onto another track, currently Ardour does not copy the “pin connections”, so I have to re-input the routing anyways. Would save a lot of time if sidechain routing was copied, or at least if its an option in “quirks” or something. (See GIF.)
Option for horizontal display of favorite plugins, not just vertical scrollbar: For producers who have 50+ “favorite” plugins scrolling downward to bottom of list everytime to load e.g. Vital/Zam/x42 plugins is very tedious. Instead can we also enable an option for “horizontal display”, i.e. a menu that extends towards right? More similar to how FL has “floating” plugin selector. I guess some people will not like this, but at least option would be nice. (ALTERNATIVE: Allow jumping to plugins using keyboard letters, e.g. if I press ‘Z’ focus jumps to first plugin beginning with ‘Z’.)
Option for “floating”/“pinned” master bus in arrangement view when mixing with 40+ tracks, high CPU usage, and lot of automation tracks, scrolling in arrangement view from bottom track up to master at the top just to check on levels or master plugins takes some time, and it’s very important also to have it visible for master level monitoring. I know I can just switch to mixing view which has “pinned” master track on right side, but then master automation lane will not be visible… At least having this as option might be nice?
Resizeable mixer strips: Similar to how arrangement view allows to resize tracks via “number of visible tracks” option, this would be nice just for display accessibility, and for making plugins with in-line display more visible. Mainly I would want this option in arrangement view for left-side mixer strip — it makes sense since “Tracklist” strip on right-side and “Summary” panel on bottom are resizeable anyways. But perhaps adding “number of visible tracks” option to mixer view also would be cool.
Shortcut to switch between normal grid (1/4, 1/8, 1/16…) and triplets grid (1/3, 1/6, etc.) This is achievable using personal keyboard shortcuts (currently I have assigned Shift+3 and Shift+4 to 1/3 and 1/16 grid respectively). But since triplets are much more common for producers these days (I have rarely used “quintuplets”), I thought might be nice if we can have a button between “Snap” button and “Grid mode” button to switch to “triplet mode”.
Let me know what you all think, I guess there might be problems with these changes that I didn’t foresee.