Slackware 12, problems runing ardour...jack?


Using jackd like you do ‘jackd -R -n peacemaker -v -d alsa’ implies default values for the framerate and number of periods, respectively 1024 and 2.

1- try fiddling around with these parameters (-p framerate -n #periods )
2- check your rlimits config. In /etc/security/limits.conf, I have this :

@audio - nice -10 @audio - rtprio 99 @audio - memlock unlimited

This requires a recent PAM lib which slackware most likely has. This also implies that you have a unix group called ‘audio’ and that you belong to that group. In a shell, type ‘id’ and check what group you are belonging to.

I don’t know how slackware manages its groups and users by default. Debian based distros (which I use) come with this group out of the box, with a GID of 29. If you want to create such a group, then you can use the KDE user and group admin interface (System Settings -> User Management -> enter the administrator mode, add a group with this GID and add yourself in that group). But then, you would have to set up udev rules for the /dev/snd so that they belong to the group audio. E.g. on my system :

ls -l /dev/snd results in

crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 5 2007-10-09 09:10 controlC0
crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 4 2007-10-09 09:10 hwC0D0
crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 3 2007-10-09 09:10 seq
crw-rw---- 1 root audio 116, 2 2007-10-09 09:10 timer

3- kernel : was it compiled with realtime or low latency patches ?

Slackware doesn’t use PAM, unless it’s been added in the last release, which I haven’t had a chance to investigate. See my comment about set_rlimits above.

Thanks a lot for all you help on this issue, but I was making some tests, and I think it’s actually the pickups(it’s a new guitar), since I’ve used and old guitar, and the problems were almos completly gone :open_mouth:
I’m going to check this as soon as I get bether from my cold.

Thanks a lot once again guys, you guys rock!