Simple questions for understanding qjackctrl for use in ardour

Hello everybody

I have just installed Ubuntu Studio 7.04 to have a look at Ardour
My hardware specs:

Asus P4C800
P4 Northwood 2.8GHZ
512mb Ram
Western Digital Raptor
RME Project Hammerfall DIGI 9636/52

qjackctrl 0.2.21
Jack 0.102.20-1

Ardour looks very powerful and straightforward to use and I have it working using jack with the interface set to hw:1 RME Digi9636 (Rev 1.5).

However; I understand most of the settings in qjackctrl setup but feel I need to be sure for future reference:

  1. I have a choice of settings in “Server Path”


Its set to /usr/bin/jackd but when would I use the others?

  1. I presume I should have the Driver set to “alsa” as I have a supported PCI card (i am guessing that firewire users should use “freebob”) but there are other drivers in there, when would Ardour users use these other drivers?

  2. Down the left hand side of the Jack GUI there are a number of tick boxes they are all unchecked but when should I check them for use in Ardour?

a) Realtime
b) No Memory Lock
c) Unlock Memory
d) Soft Mode
e) Monitor
f) Force 16bit
g) H/W Monitor
h) H/W Meter


  1. only use jackd. never use jackstart on a system with a 2.6 kernel (its a utility for 2.4 series kernels and should probably be hidden on 2.6 kernel systems).

  2. OSS: legacy driver for the old Linux audio driver interface
    dummy: driver for testing without using the soundcard
    portaudio: some people wanted it
    coreaudio: OS X

  3. you should probably always use Realtime. read “man jackd” for information on all the options. Most of them are likely not of use to you most of the time.

This is the best explanation of jack’s features and usage I have found:

Hello, I am operating plannetccrma for Fedora Core 1, EX0-101 kernel 2.4.26-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma, along with having all of the most recent updates. In recent times, on my major box, qjackctrl has been infrequently locking up as soon as opening or ending rosegarden. At what time this takes place, 642-892 the qjackctrl gui doesn’t renovate and occasionally my complete X session hurtles and then I am come again to a login screen. But I have not yet used qjackctrl in Ardour. 640-553 So I can’t say anything about that. Thanks.


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This is the best explanation of jack’s features and usage I have found:

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