Sending MIDI CC LSB with Ardour 8.4

I need to send MIDI CC 8 with a set value, and also send MIDI CC 40 to send an LSB value. I can set those CC numbers in an Ardour MIDI track using automation, and they both affect changes, but when I change the value for CC40, it seems to act as though it were sending a CC8 MSB. I’m hoping I’m just doing it wrong/overlooking something. What could I be missing?

Do I send them both simultaneously? Do I send CC8 first and then CC40? Using automation, I have tried both approaches with the result described above.

It’s not the receiving device. The receiving device works fine and is expecting a fine-tune value from CC40.

Can you check with ACE MIDI Monitor (plugin comes with Ardour) what MIDI messages are sent?

I just tested this with a simple automation… and both CC8 and CC40 are sent

but when I change the value for CC40, it seems to act as though it were sending a CC8 MSB.

I don’t know what that means, yet when I change CC40 manually (here moving it up to 127) or disable CC8 automation playback (here playing though the 112 event), only CC40 messages are sent:

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