With Logic Audio 9 - as part of my regular mix/master process - if things got too loud over time with always turning up, if the balance was perfect but I noticed Im redlining the outputs (eg +2db in the red) I I would drag a large box shaped lasso across all contributing audio sources (not busses or master mind!), then eyeball the specific floating point db level eg -1db and grab that pulling it down to -3db thusly the +2db overage would go down by 2 also to… ya know -0.1db is what I’d aim for.
Figuring out how to do this has turned out to be a big stumbling block for me with Ardour, probably in combination with the visual appearance of the fader knobs and coming from sessions which have been “bounce in place” and imported:
After Googling “select all tracks ardour” and not being satisfied with the AI answer, which is to “Control-A” this selects all my clips in the arrange but only one fader moves when i drag it to the left
perhaps i need to do it from the mixer…
and it seems i was able to do it finally by clicking the left most channel to make it red, scrolling to the right side, then shift clicking the rightmost channel.
it was easy to mess up though in the screenshot you can see that I have not selected channel 1 by mistake or by clicking on it or similar.