Hello! I have a problem with an .ardour file : when I launch ardour via a terminal, and I load this file, it returns the error “Segmentation fault (core dumped)”
This file must have been corrupted during a backup. Is there a trick to make it work again? Could it be that some lines have been erased or have been copied incorrectly? There are several hours of work on this sale. I invited musician and singer friends. it will be hard to get them back…
Ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier de couleur /usr/share/ardour8/themes/dark-ardour.colors
Ardour: [INFO]: Chargement du fichier de configuration ui /etc/ardour8/clearlooks.rc
start clocking
Ardour: [INFO]: Loading bindings from /etc/ardour8/ardour.keys
Chargement du fichier de configuration ui /etc/ardour8/clearlooks.rc
Found nothing along /home/mike/.config/ardour8/templates:/usr/share/ardour8/templates
XML error: Document is empty in /home/mike/Bureau/CHAT SI ROND 2/AUDIO/ENREGISTREMENT CHASSIRON 2/NARATION CHAT SI ROND/NARATION CHAT SI ROND-6000.ardour at line 1:1
no more csLADSPA plugins
Set cursor set to default
start clocking
Segmentation fault (core dumped)