scons: *** [vst/ardourvst] ['vst/ardourvst']: No such file or directory

Hi everyone!

I already have Ardour 2.1 installed on my system since I have Planet CCRMA, but now I am trying to build and install Ardour VST to be able to use my favorite plugins.
However, now after about an hour of building with “scons vst=1” I get the following error:

Substituting vars from vst/ into vst/ardourvst
Chmod(“vst/ardevst”, 0755)
Chmod("[‘vst/ardourvst’]", 0755)
scons: *** [vst/ardourvst] [‘vst/ardourvst’]: No such file or directory
scons: building terminated because of errors.

I am relatively new to Linux and really need help on this one. Thanks in advance for any help!
I am using Fedora 8 with Planet CCRMA.

Same problem here with sidux (debian unstable)

Now as ardour 2.2 came out, i have build it without vst support and am not quite sure whether i wanna try building it with vst support. i might try again some day.
at the moment i use vst effects with fst in jack. i got it to work, but haven’t actually used it a lot yet because it is just very unhandy to insert plugins using multiple commands. i might try to write a script for that.


The problem is always there also with ardour 2.2 with VST enabled. Personally I don’t have any clue.
Thank you

actually with vst-support enabled it did not work and without it enabled it worked…anyway, i think the update was worth it, even without vst