Save External sends configuration as preset/favourite

I’m working on a project in which I’m using a lot of external sends, always to the same physical output of my interface.
Would it be possible to save the external send configuration as a preset or a favourite (like with plugins)?
I’ve looked in the Ardour manual and couldn’t find an answer.

I think this is the closeat feature to do that.

Also, you may be able to drag and drop the send and copy from an already existing track. You can drag and drop copy plugins from track to track, but I have not tried that with sends.

Sorry I couldn’t answer sooner, thanks for your reply!
Yes, dragging and dropping sends between tracks (as well as plugins) works, in fact it’s the way I’ve been using it for a while now.
I’m an enthusiast of templates, and I use them for almost everything, but they don’t work for this case.
I’ll have to keep using the drag and copy method between tracks.
The idea is in the case of using the external sends always to the same physical output (for example we have our interface configured to use output X to, for example, re-amp or pass the signal through X external processor), that Ardour automatically connects the external send to the physical output X. In short, an external send preset.
Maybe it’s a bit complicated or far-fetched, in which case I can live without this function.