I’m playing around with the Windows version of Ardour 5.5. Usually, I’m a linux-guy. Mostly to play around with the bass and guitar amps from igniteamps, which are only available as au or windows vsts.
Now, I have some presets for lv2’s that I’ve created in Linux. Mostly for a-eq, x42-parametric eq and a-comp. Those preset-settings will not show up as a preset in ardour, even though they are in the right place. %userdata%/.lv2/ I think.
The above is also true if I create and save a preset in the plugin-dialog. (x42 or a-eq, for instance.) The preset does get saved with an lv2-extension, in the right place (I assume. I haven’t changed anything). If I then restart ardour, the preset is indeed in the right folder, but can not be chosen in the preset-gui. (Nor in the “Favourite plugins” strip in the mixer-view).
Is this a known bug, or should I file a report? I’ve searched in the forums, but I confess - I did not check the bugtracker (if there is one).
Regards, and as always, an amazing programme. Outstanding effort and kudos to all the devs.