Can it be done with the most current version of Ardour?
It would likely be painful if it could be, my bet is that no it can’t as I would suspect it is compiled with processor specific flags to help performance on G4s and above, but I am not positive on this.
Thanks for your post. I thought as much, but can’t hurt to ask!
about a year ago, out of curiosity i managed somehow to get the then-current version of ardour running on g3 (it was one of those triangular all-in-one macs with coloured transparent plastic shell - these ones are g3, aren’t they?), it was kinda functional, painful of course, i had to use big buffers to be able to perform some very basic tasks like stereo playback/recording/simple editing. if i remember it right, it wasn’t possible to use plugins or more than few tracks in any reasonable way.
Thanks for all the replies. I have bit the bullet and installed on my Intel Mac 3.06 ghz machine. My G3 runs Audacity for all my hardware and miked input. Figured I could use ARDOUR as post-production and soft synth environment. Got the hang of it with my Korg M1 and will try some DSP stuff later. I am very impressed with both the product and the support found here. Thanks again!
played around on a 1.25 GHZ g4 laptop for a while … on OSX 10.4 … it was very painful