Routing CC to shared FX (specifically using Cardinal VCV rack fork)

Hi there,
I’m sorry about my naivete. I know almost nothing about any of this but having got hooked on VCV rack and having had some (extremely basic) experience with DAWs my workflow has progressed to using the Cardinal fork so I can process several instances of Cardinal in Ardour. This means that I am also used to using the Cardinal/VCV FX modules and enjoy the power of controlling them with their CV inputs.
The problem I have, then, is that I can’t find a way to route CV data from an Ardour midi track to an FX track. I think a ‘bus’ is usually used for a shared FX channel. However, I think I have gleaned from the Ardour manual that an Audio bus will only take audio inputs, even though it can have a Cardinal plugin in order to act as a ‘dumb’ FX processor.
So, what I would like is to be able to share a Cardinal FX patch to several tracks AND have it receive and process CV data (useful for ducking etc, I think). Is there a way to do this at all?

I think I have sorted this out!
Answer: Load Cardinal in FX mode and connect the ‘tickling’ channel as a midi sidechain in the pinout editor…

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